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And so it begins ...

What a time to be a nerd!

Looking back even just 10 years ago, Comic Culture and various Fandoms were still a bit of a subculture. It was commonly thought that only nerds, dorks, people with no jobs, chuds and adults who read comic books in their parents leaky basement while wearing a Thor helmet, were apart of the convention scene. "You STILL read comic books?! How old are you, again??" or "You collect action figures? And you have a boyfriend ... and friends?!" was something I would hear all too often; Social Ostracism at it's *best.* Apparently, playing Super Smash Bros. and being stoked that I managed to track down an uncut Marvel Comic Card page pissed people off ...

One of the only ways to connect with like-minded people in the mid-90's was either hanging out all day at your local comic shop (for us youngsters), tracking down a convention, or my personal favorite, writing to pen pals that you discovered through WIZARD: The Comics Magazine! I don't know about you, but I would laugh my ass of at Magic Words when Jim McLauchlin wrote it. Or reading about how the WIZARD staff would break in to Jim Lee's hotel room and steal his bathrobe every year at the San Diego Comicon. Yes, the pages of WIZARD and Twisted Toyfare Theater very much laid the foundation of my particular brand of humor. It helped to develop and improve upon my art. It made me want to write. Comics made me aware of various types of social commentary and empowered people to find their voice, find their calling ... find their happiness, and see the beauty as well as the grit in life ... 

Cut to the present.

Now ... NOW we can ALL rejoice and let our Geek Flag fly! You KNOW you aren't the only person in the movie theater who got chills, honest to god CHILLS, over the Sin City trailer or was so upset, devastated really, over Peter Parker (played by Tobey Maguire) strutting down the street in Spider-Man 3 that you wanted to hurl your popcorn bag (or your seat) at the movie screen. You won't get laughed out of the movie theater if you and your friends dress up for a movie premier. Have a duplicate action figure or Funko POP? Well, guess what, Buddy?!?! Now you can hop on various forms social media and trade that mofo for something you want! And the cherry on top of your Nerd Sundae?? The PLETHORA of kick-ass Cons! Comic Conventions, Gaming Expos, Cosplay groups ... you name it, there's a convention for it!

Everyone, from your neighbor to esteemed writers, actors/actresses, artists, and elected officials have embraced Nerd Culture! In my opinion it still has untapped potential and it's only going to get better from here on out.

Thundercats HO!!!!

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